Two’s can’t be that terrible, can they?

A big, fat NO has moved into our home and it does NOT seem to be leaving any time soon!

That’s right, no. Come here, no. Don’t do that, no. No! Noooaaaahhh! Nope! EVERY THING IS NO! Are two’s really this terrible? I don’t remember, to be honest. It’s be a while since my last two year old and man oh man!

What ever really happened to my sweet, innocent toddler that just loved on his mommy and played with his toys and listened so nicely to everything he was told? He’s been replaced by a terrifying, No-wielding, shit-ling!

Up until recently, I believed that Corbin was the toughest boy I was going to have but Kannyn has got him topped, by far. He puts stuff from the ground…in his mouth….when are at the ball park. Like, secondhand sunflower seeds. He swims in the dirt and soaks in the rain/mud puddles. He eats everything every day, all day. He is a no-nap-ninny most of the time these days and just runs around like a mom to triplets with no coffee going on 2 hours of sleep. Needless to say, our lives lately are ran by that crazy, amazing two year old.

It doesn’t help that our family is usually go, go, go all the time so any down time that we do have just leaves his restless and unfulfilled. That being said, there have been some things that have definitely worked for us making sure that the little king of the castle is in a pretty good, happy mood most of the time.

Preschool. Kannyn attends a free 1-2 hour long parent co-op preschool here and he loves it. His days always start off great when we get in our school in the mornings where he loves to learn and be around other kids his age.

Park time. One of our fail-safes is taking Kannyn to the park. This kid can run foreverrrrrr so he definitely has a blast wearing himself out at the park.

Cuddles. Even on the days he’s being impossible, he still needs an insane amount of mommy cuddles. He will even climb up and tell me where and how he wants me to sit or hold him and he will snuggle right in. When he has abundant cuddles, its going to be a good day. And I will take all the lovin’ I can get!

Sadly, the list is pretty short because there is nothing stopping the next ‘no’ coming from his mouth. He will say no to everything, everyone, a million times a day. He even says it in his sleep! Can we take stock in ‘no’? Is that a thing?

Anyways, darlings, I just had to stop in and rant about my boy, even though I still love him to death! Its that time of his life, haha. Is this a phase? I feel better calling it that. Let’s just hope this one doesn’t come back into trend!

Raisin’ hell and gentlemen, NO
xoxo yes Mama

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