Holy Moly, it’s been a year y’all!!

One hell of a year, actually! I hope that everyone has made it through the last 12 months with some of their sanity intact still and can’t wait to get back to the real stuff we all had going on before the shit hit the fan!

Since we’ve been in hiding from our blog for so long, I’ll try to catch those of you up who weren’t following along on social media.

Well, we moved to Texas in December right before the pandemic hit which we used to be bummed about. However, once you realize that we pretty much keep to ourselves anyways whether we are going out and doing things or staying in and that it wasn’t going to be much different for us, we got passed it. Yes, we are still homeschooling and LOVING it. The boys have grown academically soooo much this year and even they are proud of their progress. Kannyn turns 5 this August and we just started him on Kindergarten stuff so hes having fun with that, and doing quite well! His favorite so far is Spanish and Science.

Zander will be 16 this August. He passed his driving school and permit test back in December. He has a little truck we got from my best friend and he’s enjoying “fixing it up”. Z also got himself a job as a lifeguard and he starts soon for the summer. He’s pretty stoked to be making his own moola.

Corbin, who is 14 now, and doing extremely well in school is about to graduate from 8th grade! He’s playing soccer this season. Of course, when it’s not pouring buckets here, that is. He’s still into anything that has to do with animals or wild life and would love to work/volunteer at the zoo this summer.

Braxton is 12 and has grown into quite the comedian. He’s always got us laughing at one thing or another. He recently got into reselling from watching a friend of ours and has started his own closet on Poshmark. Brax is also playing soccer when the weather permits this season and loves when his team plays Corbin’s team. A battle of the brothers, if you will.

Kannyn, as mentioned earlier, will be 5 this August and man has this kid been gifted with personality! He keeps us on our toes more than we’d like to be and he DEFINITELY gets it from watching all of his brothers. He’s quite the weekend gamer and likes to “gwind”. Kannyn started the season off on a soccer team and half way into the first game decided it was NOT for him, haha! He’d rather be playing soccer with his brothers. Oh! Annnnnnd, we finally got his butt fully potty trained! Wooooooooooo!!!!!! No more wiping his grown man dumps!

Our nephew Payton came to live with us in Texas. He’s 17 and just came in and fit so well. The boys love having their cousin here. He’s hoping to find a job soon, and he’s doing really well with us in homeschool. Payton is HILARIOUS and we are ALWAYS in tears of laughter when he’s near. We’re glad to have him!

Lucy, is still Lucy. The best dog on the planet. Just slightly older. We love our boochimool!

Tim is still on the move, constantly working. He likes the fast paced style and loves his job.

And as for me, I’m still chugging along here. Loving every second with these crazy things I love so much. I recently upgraded my camera so essentially I’m starting from the beginning again, but also having fun learning a new camera. And have done some really fun shooting as well.

That’s been our last year in a tiny nutshell. I mean I could share it all, but we’d be here for days. If you’d like to follow along when we aren’t on here, make sure to grab the follow button on our socials!

Glad to “see” you all, again! xxoo

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