Cheers to friends, the real MVPs!



As adults, keeping friends is hard. But why?

Growing up it always seemed like making friends was the scary and hard part but oh how things change when you get older. Sometimes you’re lucky enough to have childhood, lifelong friends in your adult life. Or maybe some family member that is your best friend.

Fast forward. Marriage. Kids. Jobs. Life. Everyone gets busy, into a routine, and its so easy to fall into a rut of going through the motions of life and landing short on any kind of social life. The great thing about great friends is that they completely understand that.

I consider myself to be a pretty good friend. So, for me, making friends isn’t actually the hard part. It is finding people to be a good friend back to me. As I’ve gotten older I have learned to cherish those few friends that I DO have and love every second we get to hang out.

Also, as a mom, having other mom friends to bitch and complain about the tantrum one of our kids pulled is crucial! Of course, followed by the guilty “but I love them so much” even though it doesn’t need to be said. And don’t get me started on how good it feels to be able to let off a little steam and talk about how long your husband has been PMSing.

Friends are necessary! And a gift, that’s for sure. To all of my friends, cheers to you. Thank you for being there for me when I need to let off steam, hang out with the kids, get a little crazy, see the outdoors, just be. Thank you. Here are a few of the pictures I have with my great friends, family, and my friends that have become my family. Love you all.


Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. – Edna Buchanan

xoxo Friendly Mama

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1 Comment

  • It’s so much harder to make friends as an adult. My best friend and I live 700 miles apart and just got together this weekend. It was glorious!

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