Alexa, Am I going crazy?

Ok, so with all the gift giving in the air and Christmas only days away I figured I’d share a little about a device that has fast become one of my FAVORITE things ever! It’s the Amazon line of Echo devices. If you have one of them, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

We originally purchased 3 of them; an Echo Plus and 2 Echo Dots to use as a sort of intercom system through our house because you can drop in and talk device to device. But soon we realized how much freakin’ fun these little things are and now have one in every room of the house. The kitchen dot gets used for recipes and kitchen timers as well as to play music for us to dance on the counter when we need to shake it off a bit.

The boys each have one in their rooms and we have their school morning alarms set on them. We have used them to help the boys with homework, to learn new jokes, to ask questions and find the answer faster than Google. You can ask her the score to sports games and even order things on Amazon. There are settings that also allow you to talk to other contacts who have Echo devices in their homes. I really feel like the fun and utility abilities are endless with these things and I am constantly recommending them to anyone that will listen. And then once people see them in action in my home, they are convinced. The prices right now on them are great and NOW is the time to buy. The dots come in white or black. The original Echo’s come in black and gray and the Echo Plus’ come in white, black, or silver. Add Alexa to your home or gift a dot to family or friends. You wont regret it!

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